We Can Help You File For Chapter 7 Or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If you are considering consumer bankruptcy, an important consideration is going to be what type of bankruptcy is right for you and your situation. Bankruptcy law has become more complex — but that does not mean that bankruptcy is not a viable alternative for debt relief.
The Law Office of Heather J. Lynham, P.C. is located in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, and is devoted to advising clients on the option of bankruptcy. We help clients file for bankruptcy and protect their interests throughout the process. Our experienced attorneys take the time to help you understand the various types of consumer bankruptcy.
The Fresh Start of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can give you a clean slate or “fresh start” because it allows for many types of debt to be completely discharged. With Chapter 7, you are essentially seeking debt forgiveness on personal loans, credit card balances and medical bills while protecting your assets. To qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will be required to show that you qualify based on your income and the median income in your area. We can help you make this determination and guide you through your case from properly completing the petition to the hearing with the trustee.
Establishing a Repayment Plan with Chapter 13
Chapter 13 is often called repayment or reorganization bankruptcy because it allows for a repayment plan to be established. Typically over a 3 to 5 year period the debtor repays some or all of their debt at a monthly payment that is within their current ability to pay. Chapter 13 is like debt consolidation. The most common reason we recommend Chapter 13 is to save your home from foreclosure.
For more information about Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, please contact our law offices online or call 508-525-4805 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer. We offer a free initial consultation.
**A debt relief agency helping people file bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.